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If you love listening to podcasts and have thought that you’d like to get booked as an expert guest on shows, today’s episode is for you! On the show are podcast experts, Jessica Rhodes and Margy Feldhuhn.  They are the co-owners of Interview Connections, the first and leading podcast guest booking agency. Show notes can be found at


  1. The value of being a guest on podcasts
  2. How you know when you are ready to go on
  3. How to identify which shows to pitch
  4. How to pitch the shows effectively
  5. The “Dos and Don’ts” of being a podcast guest
  6. The “Dont’s” that make them cringe when they hear
  7. How to maximize your experience.  Monetize, Grow your Network, and Expand your Brand. 
  8. And much more…

Resources Mentioned:

Sign Up for Jess and Margy’s FREE Masterclass on FB

Jessica’s Entrepreneurial Journey Interview with Michele

Margy’s interview with Michele on self-care strategies

Find Michele on Instagram

Apply to Michele’s Private Practice Under “Coaching”

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