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Chris-Tia Donaldson is the Founder and CEO of Thank God It’s Natural.   Her company makes natural hair and skincare products that are sold in Target, Whole Foods, Sally’s Beauty, CVS, and Walgreen’s.  

Chris-Tia shares her inspiring entrepreneurial journey and how she built her company as a side hustle!  It was a diagnosis with breast cancer at the age of 36 that prompted her to write her second book, “This Is Only a Test: What Breast Cancer Taught Me About Faith, Love, Hair and Business,” and also signaled to her it was time to quit her job to work full time on her company.  

She shares so many great life and business tips in this episode. Be sure to listen to the end where Chris-Tia shares the systems she uses to scale her multi-million dollar company as well as her tips on living a good life. You can access the show notes at

Chris-Tia’s 3 Best tips for Living a Good Life:

  1. You have to be intentional about what brings you joy and you write it down and you know what these things are.  List anything that brings you joy or it will fall to the bottom of the list.
  2. Trust the timing of things.  We worry about things when we are younger.  Most of the things you worry about often don’t happen.  Whatever you are worrying about trust the timing of your life and the universe will bring you all the good you want.
  3. Get good sleep.  

Resources Mentioned

Thank you for listening to the show!

This episode was sponsored by Design a Life You Love, A Woman’s Guide to Living a Happier and More Fulfilled Life. My book includes 52 inspirations, one for every week of the year, each with practical tips to guide you to self-love and success on your own terms. It includes life lessons that will last a lifetime. For your free E-copy, visit Available for the month of May 2020.

Please be sure to share it with your friends who would benefit from this information.  Also be sure to subscribe on Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode. 🙂 

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