1️⃣ How the medical system is biased towards supporting men and dismissing women. Women are told things like have a glass of wine and relax.
2️⃣ Modern medicine is here to help us. Why we need to stop “shoulding” ourselves with the idea that menopause is natural therefore you shouldn’t need Hormone Therapy.
3️⃣ The importance of talking to your partner when things are going well. And why Hollywood and the porn industry convey a false message about what sex should really be like. As Dr. Kelly says, “It’s fake people.” Don’t compare your love life to fictionalized characters not representing reality.
4️⃣ How women in their twenties don’t have it better.
5️⃣ Men don’t know more about our bodies and our pleasure than we do.
6️⃣ She shares many myths including the myth that desire should be spontaneous that make women believe they are broken.
7️⃣ How the brain is a powerful tool in desire.
8️⃣ Combatting vaginal dryness and why Dr. Kelly recommends lube for everyone.
9️⃣ The symptoms that arise during menopause and what women can do about it, and more.
Website: https://www.kellycaspersonmd.com/ Book: You Are Not Broken:Stop “Should-ing” All Over Your Sex Life Thank you for listening to the show. Be sure to share it with a friend! We love when women empower other women. If you enjoyed this interview, please take a moment to rate and review it on Apple podcasts. Your reviews are so appreciated! Not sure how to do it? Instructions are below. XO, Michele Rate + Review: 1. Click on this link 2. Click “View in Apple Podcasts” button 3. Make sure to “Follow” 4. Scroll down until you see “Ratings and Reviews” as shown below.