How do you know how much money you need to save in order to retire? How do you calculate what that looks like? How do you allocate spending for expenses, fun, and savings from your paycheck so you stay on track? What kind of investments should you make and how does where you are in life impact that? What about saving and paying for your kid’s college? How important is life insurance and having a trust and will? These are just some of the questions we tackle on this week’s episode with Laura Rotter, CFA, MBA, CFP™ and founder of True Abundance Advisors, a fiduciary, fee-only financial planning firm focused primarily on serving professionals in mid-life. This is a must listen to take ownership of your financial future. Be sure to share this conversation with a friend! This is for informational purposes and is not financial advice. Consult your financial advisor for assistance.
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LAURA’S FREEBIE – Laura created a great tool that might be of interest. Please take 2-3 minutes to respond to a set of questions focused on where you are today, how you think about the future and what, if anything may get in the way. If you’re part of a couple, it highlights differences worth discussing. You’ll automatically access a personalized summary and the questions that will help you think about the future.
Creating a Meaningful Vision for the Future
Manisha Thakor’s Book: On My Own Two Feet: A Modern Girl’s Guide to Personal Finance
Social Media:
Bank account with “buckets”
Ally Bank
Budgeting apps:
Talking Money with Your Honey
The Algebra of Wealth
GUEST BIO: I am Laura Rotter, CFA, MBA, CFP™ and founder of True Abundance Advisors. After 30 years of successfully managing money for institutional investors including Citicorp and Para Advisors, I found my definition of abundance shifting. As I reviewed my own financial landscape, I realized that abundance wasn’t just about accumulating more wealth, but about employing my wealth to do the things I most valued. My mindset changed from “I must use my life to make money,” to “I can use my money to make a life,” I am passionate about sharing my financial planning process, which guides my clients toward decisions that integrate the attainment of both financial security AND life satisfaction as they near retirement.
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