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What is inquiry and how can you use it in your life to foster more peace and joy? How do you learn how to be in the moment and not allow your mind and thoughts to have you worrying about a future that hasn’t occurred or stuck ruminating on the past? Derek Notman, Philosopher and Martial Arts Expert is back on the show to guide us to embrace our feelings instead of run away from them. Lots to learn and think about once you tune in!

This is not intended to be advice for dealing with mental health issues. This is a podcast which is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Anything dealing with your mental or physical health should be discussed with your trusted healthcare provider.

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  • What is inquiry
  • What we can learn from Socrates
  • How inquiry can guide us to invite in our feelings instead of run away from them
  • How to embrace the moment and find more peace and joy even when life is hard, and much more!


For over three decades, Derek has dedicated his life to the study of physical culture and philosophy. This pursuit has led him all over the world including time living in China and South East Asia, studying with traditional masters of martial, movement and healing arts.

Derek always sought to extract the essence of the traditions while connecting the common elements. Despite the uniqueness of each art and human form, there is a commonality to being in a body and so themes emerge. He has made it his life’s work, to investigate and understand these themes and share them with others in a paradigm of traditional wisdom through embodied practice.


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