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This is a solo-cast inviting you to think about waking to what is calling for your awareness – what parts of your life you desire change and how to make that change happen. Here’s the thing — every decision we make, every dream we have, every goal we set, every compromise we make, every excuse, every moment we let go by in distraction instead of staying present to the moment and the futures we want to wake up in — this creates our reality.  

So, then, how do you own your voice?  How do you show up for yourself?  How do you create the dreams you desire?  How do you even begin to dream again when maybe you’ve lost yourself completely?  

It all starts with curiosity which leads to clarity about what you really want. Once you have that then you take one baby step, followed by one action and then by another and so on.  

It requires faith and self-love.  It requires support.

I hope you find it helpful and please share it with anyone who would benefit from it.

To access the show notes and Join my newsletter to get a FREE copy of my book, “Design a Life You Love”.

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