Have you ever wondered how to get booked to be an expert guest on TV but don’t know what steps to take? Would you like to learn how to use video to expand your reach? On the show is Emmy award winning TV News Producer and Media Strategist, Paula Rizzo who gives us her best tips to get media attention for your book, product, service, or business — both for TV and in print. She also shares how to use video to maximize your reach. The show notes are at https://thegoodlifecoach.com/036
As a former senior health producer for Fox News Channel for more than a decade Paula produced segments with a range of top experts, including JJ Virgin, Jillian Michaels, and Deepak Chopra. A media veteran for nearly 20 years, she also worked in local news in New York City as a producer for WCBS, WPIX and WLNY.
She’s also co-creator of Lights Camera Expert – an online course geared towards helping entrepreneurs, authors and experts get media attention. She also teaches Become A Video Star – a virtual workshop that empowers experts to create their own compelling videos. Paula has been featured in major media outlets like FoxNews.com, Business Insider and The Daily News. She’s a contributor to MindBodyGreen.com, Entrepreneur.com and Thrive Global. A veteran speaker she’s presented at MA Conference for Women, HOW Design Live, New York Women in Communications, National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO), and many others.
Key Takeaways
If you are going to pitch someone you need to know what kind of show they work on so you know who and what to pitch.
Be of service. Look to see who that producer’s audience is – watch the show, read the magazine, watch the ads so you know who the audience is.
When you pitch don’t say I won awards – talk about how I can serve your audience.
Look up the stuff the producer has done before and make a connection to the producer when you pitch. Treat them like a person.
Create the relationship before the book is out. Get the practice.
Being able to think visually for TV is key:
- Be able to be found by consistently sharing content. Do video first – then you can take the audio and transcribe it.
- Share opinions and your views around your expertise.
- Get yourself in the mindset of the media.
To pitch television – you need to send a clip of you on video. They need to see what you look and sound like on camera. A producer will always do a pre-interview with you to avoid someone flat-line on camera.
What colors should people wear? Always wear bold colors. Jewel tones are great. Solids. See what the set looks like and don’t wear the same color as the set – you want to pop. Always bring a back-up wardrobe with you. Avoid patters because they are not good on camera. Also, avoid white and black as it doesn’t look good on camera. Wear stuff you’ve worn before – don’t test an outfit on TV. Same goes for jewelry. If you wear a dress – they will need to strap onto your bra or you can wear pants.
Practice what you are going to say before you go on camera. Think in headlines and say those when on air. Don’t talk too much.
Watch the show and the anchor before going on. Know that they may not be friendly or talk to you – so don’t take it personally and don’t let the anchor’s energy throw you off.
Keep your energy up and “perform”. You have to tell the story like a broadway actor and do it again and again like a pro.
Ground yourself. Calm yourself down and take deep breaths.
The lights are very bright and hot but the studios are really cold.
Create videos for your business development. Have people know you before they hire you. It is more intimate. Video is one step up from a podcast because you can see and hear the person.
Always think “how can I be of service?” It is always about the audience. How can you help someone and what is the tip you can leave them with today?
Social media is important – be consistent and keep it authentic. It depends on the outlet how much they’ll care how big your following is.
Someone might not like your pitch but they may like you and will collaborate with you.You have to follow up if you don’t hear back. Reply back to the same email and re-pitch. “Hey I know you are really busy and wanted to put this back on the top of your list and wanted to talk about this as I think it was helpful to your audience.” You can call the producer’s number and leave a message and then follow-up with an email.
Paula’s 3 Best Tips for Media Attention:
- Be of service.
- You need to think about 3 things:
A. What’s your hook? B. Why is it relevant now?
C. How is this different from everything else out there? What is the takeaway that will change the person’s life? - Don’t wait to get media, get started right away.
Paula’s Media Checklist — paularizzo.com/checklist
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This episode was sponsored by Design a Life You Love, A Woman’s Guide to Living a Happier and More Fulfilled Life which is on sale until the end of June 2019. My book includes 52 inspirations, one for every week of the year, each with practical tips to guide you to self-love and success on your own terms. It makes a great gift for yourself or a friend!
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