In this Episode:
I’ll walk you through 7 simple steps to achieve any goal. Don’t worry if you abandoned your new year’s resolutions because these steps can get you back on track! Whether you want to launch a business, lose weight, switch careers, publish your first book, launch a podcast, or more – the steps will teach you how to make any goal a reality.
Key Takeaways:
Seven Simple Steps to Achieve Your Goals:
Step One – Set your intention by writing it down. Get connected to the passion, the purpose, and what excites you about the goal you want to achieve. If you feel like giving up, come back to step one to get re-connected to your “why”. My why for my website, podcast, and book are all of the same. Create content to help women awaken to their full potential.
Step Two – Begin the “SMART” Goals. S=Specific. Write down your goal and make it specific. For example, instead of deciding you want to lose weight this year, you’d make it specific by determining the amount of weight you want to lose – like twenty pounds. Take a moment now to write down a specific goal.
Step Three – M=Measurable. Making your goal measurable helps you to know if you are on track. For example, if you want to write a book, you can decide to write for 15 minutes a day and at the end of each day you will know if you have achieved the daily objective which leads to the larger goal.
Step Four – A=Achievable. In order to achieve your goal you need to determine what information, support, and resources you need to have in place to make it a reality. This is a key step and one area I believe is the reason many people don’t realize their goal. They don’t set themselves up for success and create systems and get the information necessary to make the goal a true possibility. Take a moment to write down what you would need to know, do, or learn in order achieve your goal.
Step Five – R=Realistic. A realistic goal is just what it sounds like. It is making sure it can actually be realized. For example, ask yourself, “Is this the best time to work on this goal?”; “Is this there something that can hold me back?” In addition, you wouldn’t for example decide to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. Could it be done? Possibly, but it wouldn’t be advisable or healthy. It would be considered an unrealistic goal. The same goes for writing, editing, and self-publishing a book on amazon. You wouldn’t decide to make that all happen in 3 weeks. Could you do it – yes, but it wouldn’t be quality work and would be really stressful to complete which makes it unrealistic. Write down what could stand in your way and make a plan to address it before it become a problem,
Step Six – T=Time bound. This step is key in creating success. Many of us have goals that are on a list that have been there for a long time! Most goals fall apart at this step because the person setting the goal hasn’t assigned deadlines. This is so key. Take a moment to mark the deadlines in your calendar. If you want to lose weight in six months, mark your calendar for six months from now so you know what you are working towards. If you want to launch a podcast, put a launch date on your calendar and work towards making that a reality.
Step Seven – Celebrate the Little Wins. Write in your calendar that every Friday you are going to check in with yourself on what you have accomplished for that week. What we consider as not that big of a deal is actually an important step to get you closer to the bigger picture goal. If you want ideas of what to do to celebrate, go to the List of 52 Self-Care Tips for ideas at the bottom of this page. It is on my website to sign up for it and it is FREE.
Resources Mentioned (Books + App)
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This episode was sponsored by Design a Life You Love, A Woman’s Guide to Living a Happier and More Fulfilled Life. My book includes 52 inspirations, one for every week of the year, each with practical tips to guide you to self-love and success on your own terms. It’s a short book that you can read in about an hour, but includes life lessons that will last a lifetime.
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